Traveling alone can be intimidating, especially if you’ve reached your 50s and have never traveled alone. I took my first solo trip when I was 35, fell in love with travel, and never looked back. Planning trips for singles over 50 can be overwhelming. Where do you go? Who do you go with? And what …
Solo Travel Blog Posts
Solo Travel
While taking vacations with family and friends is a wonderful thing, sometimes you just need some alone time. Or, they aren’t able to join you to your dream destination. So, should you cancel your trip? Of course not. The answer: solo traveling.
While it’s called solo travel, you’re never really alone. You’re bound to meet many wonderful people on your unique journeys through various countries. Be it your tour guide, your hostel roommates, or just a friendly local or two.
But what entails solo traveling exactly? And where do you start the process? Stick around to find out more about being a solo adventurer, whether you’re hoping for a tranquil escape or an exciting singles ski holiday.
Who Is Solo Travel for?
Everyone! There really is no age limit or personality type for those who can travel on their own. Whether you’re looking for vacations for over 50 singles or you’re a female solo traveler, there is a way for you to see the globe.
Solo Female Travelers
Did you know that women are more likely to travel alone than men? The independence to do whatever they want when they want is the main selling point for many female travelers.
Of course, not every country is safe to do so (regardless of gender), but there are many wonderful and safe places you can visit if you’re a woman. Some of the safest places in the world include Japan, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, and New Zealand.
Solo Travelers of All Ages
When you think of solo traveling, you may picture a young person fresh out of school or college, but you’d be amazed at the range of single sightseers.
Many companies offer singles holidays for people over 40, meaning these trips are in high demand. Take the time to join a cooking class, intriguing workshop, or tour group while traveling. It’s never too late (or early) to learn.
Solo Travelling for All Price Brackets
Many aspiring solo travelers often put off their trips because they worry about the financial burden it may bring.
Yes, going on an all-inclusive vacation for singles 50+ is a great way to spend retirement. But your trips don’t have to be a costly affair.
You can easily backpack through Asia for a fraction of the cost of Europe if you plan right. Some people even get jobs along the way and become digital nomads to support themselves while they continue to travel. So, it’s not impossible.
Slow Travellers
The type of break you seek on your solo travels isn’t limited. Some people prefer to take short breaks of only a few days or weeks in a different country. Others prefer to take a slower approach.
‘Slow travel’, as this is often referred to, is when travelers take a few months (sometimes even years) to live like a local. This gives them enough time to soak up a place’s essence. Some even take jobs in different countries or live as a digital nomad to really get a feel of the authentic culture, people, and foods.
Why Do People Solo Travel?
If you’re still unsure if traveling alone is for you, take a look at a few reasons some people (including me) have taken a solo trip.
The number one reason some people choose to travel this way is the unbridled freedom that comes with it. This might be the only time you’ll have to be completely selfish and self-indulgent.
On your own, you can book last-minute flights on a dime, visit that niche museum, or eat Italian food every night if you want to. All without the possibility of inconveniencing the group or disrupting their schedules.
On a solo trip, your time is yours, and you can do whatever you’d like.
A cruise can be a great option for a solo traveler and there are lots of solo cruise deals.
Meeting People
Many tourists travel solo to meet new people and possibly learn new languages. There’s no better way to improve yourself than diving in head-first, right?
This might sound daunting to introverts at first, but stepping out of your comfort zone is a great way to grow. And, as a solo traveler, you’re more approachable to locals than if you were to travel as a couple or a group of friends.
If going up to strangers sounds intimidating, join a singles travel group to meet other solo travelers like you.
As with any vacation, rest is the main objective. For many, that is best done on their own. Studies reflect that taking a break away from high-stress environments is good for your mental well-being.
Of course, if you’d like to look after your physical well-being, there are also a few solo spa breaks available all over the world. Escape to Bali and stay in a 5-star jungle resort, or visit Turkey to soak in their healing “hammams” and Turkish baths.
Improved Problem-Solving Skills
Any traveler can tell you about a time one of their trips went totally awry. That includes solo travelers. But, they will also tell you (usually with a smile) that it was a great and possibly funny experience they learned from.
As a solo traveller, you’ll only have yourself to rely on, which in turn will help your decision-making, problem-solving skills, and your self-confidence. I mean, if you can survive getting lost in New York City’s subway network, you can overcome that work presentation in a breeze.
It’s Cheaper
Let’s be honest: vacationing can be very expensive at times, especially if you’re going in a large group or as a whole family. But, traveling on your own cuts down the costs in a tremendous way.
If you are more of a luxury traveller, naturally, getting a 5-star hotel room is oftentimes much cheaper for a solo traveler than what it would have cost for two people. The same goes for any activity, flight, or meal. Naturally, it will be much cheaper because you only have to pay for one.
Some travelers don’t even go the luxury route and prefer backpacking instead. And, while hostels are a great way to save money, you can save even more by staying on your own.
In other words, you have endless opportunities when traveling alone, and there won’t be a moment when you feel ‘alone.’
Personally, I LOVE solo spa breaks. One week to 10 days is ideal for me. Or even a weekend spa retreat. Or a spa day. And a spa holiday is such a good thing to do as a solo traveler. You will almost always find other solo travelers when you hit the spa facilities and …
A few years ago there were hardly any single travel groups that offered options for holidays for one – let alone companies who entirely focused on solo departures and looked at things like no single supplements etc and solo travel groups. Thank goodness for the growth in singles travelling as now there is a good …
The world is a big place, and there are plenty of incredible destinations to explore. However, traveling solo can be intimidating, especially if you’re 50 or older and have never traveled alone. Solo travel for people in their 50s and above is not meant to be a daunting experience. In fact, it is just as …
Looking for singles holidays over 40? I did my first-ever solo trip at 35. I was separated from my now ex-husband and I loved to travel. However, most of my friends were married so I really didn’t have anyone to go on holidays with – gosh did I feel like a bit of a loser. …
Travelling around the US is an opportunity to have many exciting, fun-filled adventures, no matter where you go. That said, with an area of almost four million square miles, it can be daunting to decide where to visit. Moreover, if you add on the potential complications of solo travelers, you might not know where to …
When people think of Florida resorts, they probably imagine all-inclusive havens for loved-up couples or family-friendly retreats that cater to entire crews. But the state is equally teeming with wonderful holiday accommodations that provide the perfect escapes for solo travelers, too. Make Florida your next holiday destination to enjoy beautiful beaches, toasty weather, and fun …
The world is a big place, and there are plenty of incredible destinations to explore. However, traveling solo can be intimidating, especially if you’re 50 or older and have never traveled alone. Solo travel for people in their 50s and above is not meant to be a daunting experience. In fact, it is just as …
Traveling alone can be intimidating, especially if you’ve reached your 50s and have never traveled alone. I took my first solo trip when I was 35, fell in love with travel, and never looked back. Planning trips for singles over 50 can be overwhelming. Where do you go? Who do you go with? And what …
Planning the perfect singles holiday is no easy feat. The only person you have to bounce ideas off is yourself. Plus, you get to make all the decisions. The world is your oyster and this is the best opportunity to tailor the ideal holiday for yourself. Skiing, and all the mountain top feasting, is a …