21 Most Beautiful Places in New York City That Are a Must-Visit

New York is a bustling city with more things to discover than you may think are possible.

Whether you live in the Big Apple or are planning the ultimate holiday, here are some of the most beautiful places in New York City.

If you want to get up close to this iconic monument, you’ll need to join a 15-minute ferry ride to Liberty Island.

Statue of Liberty


You can consider Central Park as the city’s lungs, where everyone goes to relax and breathe in fresh air.

Central Park


Few people associate beauty with a subway station, but the Old City Hall has the prettiest one you’ll ever see.

Old City Hall Subway Station


The High Line in the Chelsea District is one of the trendiest parts of the city.

The High Line


Hidden away in the heart of New York City is a pristine two-acre square park with a lot of history.

Madison Square Park


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